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Browse the library's new book collection

  • Contact library staff at or (831) 755-6872 for questions about your account, including registration blocks or returning library materials.
  • Contact the librarians at, (831) 759-6078, text (831) 290-6804, or use the chat box below for research help.
  • Learn research skills with the free Library Workshop Canvas modules (available during Fall and Spring semesters).

Our online resources are available to all Hartnell students and employees 24/7. Log in with your Hartnell email and Duo password for off-campus access.


Need Help? Ask a Librarian

Voice: (831) 759-6078
Text: (831) 290-6804


Group Study Rooms - reserve a room for your study group

Course Materials on Reserve - check to see if your instructor made materials available

Research Guides - recommended books, databases, videos, and websites on specific topics

Research Resources - find articles for your paper

How to Cite Information - get help writing your bibliography

Library Account - renew items or see what you have checked out

Library Workshop - self-enroll in our free Canvas modules to learn research skills

Online Tutorials - learn more about finding information online

How to Cite Information - get help writing your bibliography

Information Literacy Handouts - how to find, evaluate, and use information

Research Guides - recommended books, databases, videos, and websites on specific topics

Research Resources - A to Z list of our sources for articles and ebooks

Resources by Discipline - recommended sources for each subject area

Resources for Statistics Research - websites to find statistical information

Course Reserves - make textbooks available for your students

Schedule a Library Instructional Session - please arrange at least one week in advance

Request a Library Purchase - suggest a title for the permanent collection

Faculty Services - how we can help you

Library Research Skills Assignments - have your students practice their library skills

Who To Contact


  • A - Library

    Library Location Thumbnail Map

    Main Campus

    411 Central Ave. 

    Salinas, CA