Dashboards & Visualizations
Hartnell College Student Achievement Data
This dashboard is a comprehensive visualization that provides information about student headcounts, course outcomes, and graduate and award counts. This dashboard allows users to filter by term or academic year, graduate emphasis, major, and educational goal. It also allows users to filter course outcomes by race/ethnicity, gender, age, course modality, and academic year. This dashboard is available to all users.
This dashboard allows users to view degrees and certificates awarded. Users can filter by term, year, type of award (AA, AS, ADT or Certificate), and by award name/discipline. This dashboard is available to all users.
Internal Dashboards (available to Hartnell College employees ONLY)
These dashboards provide data to inform our major college initiatives and efforts at Hartnell College, including strategic planning, equity, strategic enrollment management, and efforts under the ONE Hartnell umbrella. They include the following:
Enrollment dashboards:
- Daily enrollments, FTES, and waitlists
- Enrollments by course section, location, time of day, course modality, subject, and section start date
- Full-time faculty hiring prioritization metrics
Equity and student profile dashboards:
- Headcounts by zip code
- Profile of Hispanic/Latino students
- Student parent information